As proud holders of the Oslove trademark, we are dedicated to sharing its spirit with those who see the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships.
We have a particular interest in projects related to children and youth, especially those that aim to address social disparities and provide meaningful activities that foster growth, learning and inclusivity.
Other examples of collaboration may include, but are not limited to, technological solutions, sports or music events, environmental and sustainability initiatives, film and media, streetwear and co-branding.
Inquiries and Use of the Oslove trademark
If you are interested in utilizing the name Oslove for your projects, events, or any other purposes, we are here to assist you.
Please reach out to us for:
- Licensing information
- Usage guidelines
- Collaboration opportunities
- Any oher questions regarding Oslove
Please use the contact button or send us a message via the form below 👇
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Your ideas and proposals matter to us
We greatly value your interest in Oslove and look forward to exploring possibilities together. If you have ideas, suggestions, questions, or licensing inquiries, we're eager to hear from you.
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